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How to Install GNOME Extensions on Arch Linux/Manjaro

Cyrus Kao
Last modified on .

There are tens of thousands of extensions provided by the community to empower the GNOME desktop environment. In order to install them via GNOME Extensions on Arch-based Linux, we'll need some AUR (Arch User Repository) packages for managing extensions and browser integration.


Install gnome-shell-extensions for managing and enabling/disabling extensions, and gnome-browser-connector (replacement for chrome-gnome-shell-git) for browser integration (works for both Chrome and Firefox):

$ yay -S gnome-shell-extensions gnome-browser-connector

Don't know how to install packages on Arch based Linux? A full guide on Two Ways to Install Packages from AUR on Arch Linux/Manjaro.

Browser Integration

The gnome-browser-connector installed earlier is the server-side of the integration, to install the client-side:

Install Extensions

Visit the official site of GNOME Extensions and enable the extension by toggling it to ON:

User Themes
User Themes on GNOME Extensions

Manage Extensions

Either manage your extensions through browser:

Managing extensions
Managing extensions through browser

Or use the Extensions app (gnome-shell-extensions):


See Also


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