
Preview of Setup Cloudflare Dynamic DNS (DDNS) with CLI on Windows, Mac, Linux

Setup Cloudflare Dynamic DNS (DDNS) with CLI on Windows, Mac, Linux

Cyrus Kao

Cloudflare API v4 enables users to update DNS records programmatically, which makes Dynamic DNS (DDNS) implementation possible. I recently wrote a CLI tool called cf-ddns-cli in Node.js to update DNS A (IPv4) and AAAA (IPv6) records with your current IP address, and it's available in Windows, Mac and Linux.

Preview of Restore Real IP Address From Cloudflare CDN in Nginx

Restore Real IP Address From Cloudflare CDN in Nginx

Cyrus Kao

Cloudflare CDN works just like a reverse proxy, it sits in front of your web servers and forwards client requests to them. So the requests reaching your server actually came from Cloudflare. To restore the original client's IP address, we'll be using ngx_http_realip_module in Nginx to retrieve them from headers.