
Preview of Create/Remove/Resize Swap Space without Modifying Partitions on Linux

Create/Remove/Resize Swap Space without Modifying Partitions on Linux

Cyrus Kao

When a Linux machine runs out of physical memory (a.k.a random-access memory - RAM), the swap space will be used instead. It literally swaps data from your RAM to your disk space to free up memory. In some perspectives, it even speeds up your CPU too, since when the less the memory is free, more time the CPU spend on GC (Garbage Collection).

Preview of Configure PPPoE DSL Connection on Arch Linux/Manjaro with pppoe-setup

Configure PPPoE DSL Connection on Arch Linux/Manjaro with pppoe-setup

Cyrus Kao

Most ISPs (Internet Service Providers) offer multiple dynamic IP addresses and even come with a static one. To take advantage of that, we'll be setting up a PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) connection on our own machine to obtain an independent IP address.

Preview of Auto-Renew Let's Encrypt Free Certificates for Nginx on Linux

Auto-Renew Let's Encrypt Free Certificates for Nginx on Linux

Cyrus Kao

More than 75% of all websites use HTTPS nowadays. Serving content over HTTPS is not only good practice for search engine optimization (SEO), but essential for security reasons, especially for those requests containing sensitive information.