
Preview of How to Enable IPv6 for Your Website in Nginx

How to Enable IPv6 for Your Website in Nginx

Cyrus Kao

According to Google's IPv6 adoption statistics, more than 30% of the Internet users are using IPv6 in 2021. In some countries, like France and Germany even have adoption rates over 50%, which makes it essential to adopt IPv6 on your website for international users.

Preview of Fix "Â" Showing Up in Static Files (Set Charset to UTF-8 in Nginx)

Fix "Â" Showing Up in Static Files (Set Charset to UTF-8 in Nginx)

Cyrus Kao

I recently had a very weird issue with Nginx serving static content. A Latin-script letter  keeps showing up in one of my CSS files, and the letters are not in the actual file. It turns out that Nginx doesn't set chartset by default, that's why the characters not in the ISO basic alphabet got decoded to something else.

Preview of Set Up Rate Limiting with Leaky Bucket Algorithm in Nginx

Set Up Rate Limiting with Leaky Bucket Algorithm in Nginx

Cyrus Kao

Nginx came with a rate limit module called ngx_http_limit_req_module, which is quite handy for throttling harmful requests like DoS attack. And the module uses the leaky bucket algorithm to handle the connections. It could allow a certain amount of burst requests in a short period of time to suit the use cases.