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Configure Chewing (Zhuyin) Input Method in GNOME for Arch Linux/Manjaro

Cyrus Kao
Last modified on .

GNOME desktop has IBus integration by default. To set up the Zhuyin/Bopomofo (注音) input method is quite easy. On Arch-based Linux, there is an AUR package called ibus-chewing which is a Chinese Zhuyin/Bopomofo engine for IBus. The engine uses libchewing(酷音) under the hood. It's also a very popular input library in Taiwan, even on Windows systems.


Install the ibus-chewing package from the community repository:

  • Using pacman

    $ sudo pacman -S ibus-chewing
  • Using yay

    $ yay -S ibus-chewing

Don't know how to install packages on Arch-based Linux? A full guide on Two Ways to Install Packages from AUR on Arch Linux/Manjaro.


In Keyboard of GNOME Settings, add Chinese (Chewing) in Input Sources:

GNOME Settings
Screenshot of GNOME Settings

You might need to reboot after the installation if Chewing is not present in Input Sources.

Then use Super+Space to switch your input methods, or select it in the taskbar:

Language selection
Language selection in taskbar


Extra configuration could be found in Preferences of Chewing:

Configuration of Chewing


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