
Preview of Install GNOME Web (Epiphany) on Arch Linux/Manjaro in One Line of Command

Install GNOME Web (Epiphany) on Arch Linux/Manjaro in One Line of Command

Cyrus Kao

GNOME Web (aka Epiphany) is the default web browser for GNOME desktop environment. Although the popularity of it is not growing significantly, it's one of my must-have browsers. The reason behind that is because it's the few WebKit based browser on Linux still maintained, comes particularly handy when testing websites.

Preview of Configure Chewing (Zhuyin) Input Method in GNOME for Arch Linux/Manjaro

Configure Chewing (Zhuyin) Input Method in GNOME for Arch Linux/Manjaro

Cyrus Kao

GNOME desktop has IBus integration by default. To set up the Zhuyin/Bopomofo (注音) input method is quite easy. On Arch-based Linux, there is an AUR package called ibus-chewing which is a Chinese Zhuyin/Bopomofo engine for IBus. The engine uses libchewing(酷音) under the hood. It's also a very popular input library in Taiwan, even on Windows systems.

Preview of How to Enable Outdated GNOME Extensions (Disable Version Check)

How to Enable Outdated GNOME Extensions (Disable Version Check)

Cyrus Kao

A lot of extensions stopped working after GNOME 41. This is because the maintainer didn't mark their extensions as compatible with the newer version. But that doesn't mean it won't work after the update. To force the extensions to run even if they're outdated, we'll need to do some tweaking to gsettings.

Preview of Open Applications Menu with Super (Win) Key in GNOME

Open Applications Menu with Super (Win) Key in GNOME

Cyrus Kao

By default, Show all applications is bound to Super+A on the GNOME desktop. And cannot be changed to Super L or Super R since it conflicts with Overview. To force GNOME to open the applications menu with Super, there is an extension called Show Applications Instead Of Workspaces.

Preview of How to Install GNOME Extensions on Arch Linux/Manjaro

How to Install GNOME Extensions on Arch Linux/Manjaro

Cyrus Kao

There are tens of thousands of extensions provided by the community to empower the GNOME desktop environment. In order to install them via GNOME Extensions on Arch-based Linux, we'll need some AUR (Arch User Repository) packages for managing extensions and browser integration.

Preview of Remove Alt-Tab Delay on GNOME (Fix Switching Windows Too Slow)

Remove Alt-Tab Delay on GNOME (Fix Switching Windows Too Slow)

Cyrus Kao

For Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora and other Linux distros using GNOME will probably face an issue that switching windows with Alt-Tab is really slow. That's because it has a 150 milliseconds delay by default. To remove the delay, there is an extension called remove-alt-tab-delay. It supports GNOME 40+ and legacy versions.

Preview of Fix Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Down Not Working in IDEs (Override GNOME Shortcuts on Linux)

Fix Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Down Not Working in IDEs (Override GNOME Shortcuts on Linux)

Cyrus Kao

On Linux distros (e.g. Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, Arch Linux) using GNOME as DE will encounter an issue where GNOME's key bindings conflict with IDEs'. So, when pressing `Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Down` on your text editor it simply doesn't work. To fix this, we'll cover how to edit `gsettings` in both CLI and GUI.